I. PURPOSE: Write a full description of the lab (why the lab is being performed). Include a hypothesis statement. List the variables: 1) controlling (same for all), 2) manipulated (one you’re changing) and 3) responding (one you’re measuring).
II. MATERIALS: List all materials used.
III. PROCEDURE: List and number each of the steps in the order you did them.
IV. DATA TABLES & GRAPHS: Data Tables and/or Graphs may be attached to the back of your lab report. All Data Tables and/or Graphs must have a Title. Data tables should be neat, with units and values marked. (Hint: Use the table function to insert your data table right into your lab report)
Graphs (if used) should be neat, done on the computer and must have the following:
1) a title, 2) x-axis (manipulated variable) and y-axis (responding variable) labeled with units.
Make graphs online using this website: http:/
(Hint: After creating a graph at this website, you can save it to your computer as a jpeg and then insert it into your lab report.)
V. CONCLUSION: The conclusion will include a summary of your data
with the exact numbers and will show that the hypothesis is supported
or not supported.
Sample Lab Report
You watch your mother or father cooking spaghetti by boiling pasta in water. You notice that salt was added to the water before boiling and you wonder why they did this. Your parents tell you that adding salt to the water adds flavor to the spaghetti pasta. You wonder if it affects how the spaghetti cooks- if adding salt has any affect on the boiling temperature of water. Your question: How does salt affect the boiling temperature of water?
I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation is to see how salt affects the boiling temperature of water. My hypothesis is adding salt lowers the boiling temperature of water. The control variables will be using the same thermometer, same type and amount of water, same cooking pot each time. The manipulated variable is the salt that will be added to the water. The responding variable is the boiling temperature of the water (what is being measured).
II. MATERIALS: Table salt Distilled Water 2 Qt Cooking Pot
Measuring cup Measuring spoons Thermometer
Stirring spoon
1) Add 1 quart of distilled water to cooking pot and place on stove.
2) Use the thermometer to record the highest temperature of the boiling water.
3) Repeat step one above except add one tablespoon of salt to the water and stir to dissolve.
4) Use thermometer to record the highest temperature of the boiling saltwater.
5) Repeat step one above except add two tablespoons of salt to the water and stir to dissovle.
6) Use thermometer to record the highest temperature of the boiling saltwater.
Amout of Salt added to water
Boiling Temperature in oF
No salt added
212.9 oF |
1 Tablespoon Salt
215.6 oF |
2 Tablespoon Salt
218.3 oF |

V. CONCLUSION: My data table and graph clearly shows that adding salt raises the boiling temperature of water (and not the reverse). For every tablespoon of salt added, the boiling temperature increased by almost 3 degrees. Therefore, my hypothesis was incorrect- the more salt that is added to water, the higher the boiling temperature.
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