8th Grade Science Syllabus – Objectives, Labs, Activities, Videos & Projects
Chap 1 Intro to Physical Science/Review of Scientific Inquiry-Method
Measurement – identify units of measure for length, mass, volume, density and temperature
Calculate Mass, Volume, & Density (difference b/w mass & weight)
Scientific Inquiry & Proper Lab Report format (take home lab)
Construct proper graphs in science – Bar, Circle, Line
Group Challenges: unknown objects, nail activity/Fossil Record activity
Labs: Candle Observation Lab/Density Cubes/Matter:What's the matter?/Egg in the Bottle/Flame in a Flask
Chap 2-3 The Nature of Matter / States of Matter
Physical vs. chemical changes
Law of conservation of matter
Properties of solids, liquids, gases, & plasma
Melting, Vaporizing, Condensation, Freezing, Sublimation
Labs: Dry Ice, Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream, Hot Air Balloon Races, Reheater Packs, Melting Pennies, Making Glue
Activities: Cards to identify Solids, Liquids, Gases
Bill Nye Videos: Phases of Matter
Chap 4 Elements and the Periodic Table
Introduction to atomic structure & model of atom
Organization of the Periodic Table and the 10 families & Valence.
Labs: Sodium Demo, Hydrogen balloon explosions, Inhaling Helium
Activities: 3-D atom, Period Table of Elements, Personal element
Bill Nye Videos: The Atom
Chap 5 Atoms & Bonding
Ions and Ionic Bonding
Covalent bonding & polor/nonpolar molecules
3-D molecule mobile project
Chap 6 Chemical Reactions
Endothermic and Exothermic chemical reactions (Exo/Endo Lab)
Evidence for chemical change
Balancing chemical reactions
Labs: Methane Candle, Methane bubbles, Zinc & Hydrochloric Acid
Bill Nye Videos: Chemical Reactions
Chap 7 Acids & Bases & Solutions
Solutes and solvents –effects on boiling & freezing temp.
Properties of Acids, Properties of Bases, pH scale
Neutralization reactions
Labs: Acids-Bases Investigation/Antacid Investigation/Rock Candy Extra Credit
Bill Nye Videos: Acids-Bases
Chap 8 Carbon Chemistry
Forms of carbon and organic compounds
Polymers (Goo Lab & Polyvinyl Slime)
Labs: Making Goo/Polyvinyl Slime/Saponification Lab (making soap with fatty acids and a base)
Chap 9 Motion
Motion, Speed and Acceleration
Properties of Gravity
Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, Law of Conservation of Energy
Labs: Egg Drop, Parachute Design, Rollercoaster design.
Bill Nye Video: Energy/Gravity
Chap 10 Forces
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Friction and Types of friction
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
Bill Nye Videos: Friction/Gravity/Momentum
Movies: October Sky
Labs: Straw Rockets, Stomp Rockets, Mouse Trap Cars , Trebucket, Balloon cars.
Chap 11 Forces in Fluids (Liquids & Gases)
Density review
Labs: Sink and Spill (p. 430-431 textbook)
Activity: Bridge Design Investigation (p. 450-457 textbook)
Chap 12 Earth, Moon and Sun
Moon Phases, Eclipses and Tides
Bill Nye Videos: Earth Seasons/The Moon
Chap 14 The Solar System
Kepler’s Three Laws of planetary motion.
The sun’s interior, atmosphere and features.
The Inner and Outer planets
Comets, Asteroids & Meteors
Bill Nye Videos: Planets/Sun/Comets & Meteors.
Chap 15 Stars, Galaxies and the Universe
Classifying Stars by color and temperature
Light-year and Astronomical Unit
Lifecycle of a star
Type of galaxies
Bill Nye Videos: Space Exploration/Outer Space.
Movie: Contact
Field Trips: 1stSemester: Exploratorium 2ndSemester: Physics Day @Great America/6Flags.
Semester Projects: 1stSemester-Jan: Stop Action Movie 2ndSemester-April: Digital Movie
California Standards Review
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