
Classroom Expectations

Page history last edited by kevin gortney 12 years, 5 months ago

8thGrade Science Classroom Expectations/ Mr.Gortney Rm 330


  • Classroom Behavior: You are expected to be respectful at ALL times. Horseplay, gum chewing and inappropriate language/behavior is never acceptable. When I am talking, instructing or demonstrating an activity, you will BE QUIET and LISTEN. If you have a question, raise your hand.

  • Classwork/Homework: Come prepared to class everyday. Bring a calculator, pen, paper and science journal. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class. You are allowed to turn in work up to one day late with a grade reduction of 10%. Warning: Do not pass in late work with other assignments.

  • Absent from Class: If you are absent from class, you are responsible for any missed work and/or material. Please check schoolloop, my wiki or call a classmate. You must always make up any missed homework, quizzes and tests immediately upon your return; failure to do so will result in a zero grade (F) for that item.

  • Science Journal: (125pts/month) You must use a composition notebook as your science journal. You will spend the first 5 minutes of each class writing in your science journal in INK. The topic will be posted on the board. Journals are reviewed/stamped every Friday. If you are going to be absent, give your journal to a friend or group member so that it can get stamped. Journals are collected and graded at the end of each month.

  • Current Events: Weekly current events are due on Monday. You must use INK or type them for extra credit.

  • Semester Projects: There are usually two multimedia computer based projects (ie. Digital storytelling/movies). Each project is usually worth about 200 pts and you may work in small groups.

  • Lab Activities: There will be at least one or two lab activities/demonstrations each week. You are always expected to act responsibly and clean up after yourself. Any person or group that fails to follow instructions will stay after school to clean up the entire classroom. Repeat offenders will not be allowed to participate in future lab activities or go on any field trips.

  • Grading: All grading is done on a point system. Grades will be posted on schoolloop weekly. Additionally you will receive a computer grade printout every few weeks detailing all work/points earned. It is your responsibility to check printouts for accuracy and bring any errors to my attention for immediate correction. Parent signature on the printout is worth 5 pts extra credit.

  • Cheating Is Not Tolerated on any graded assignment/test. This includes homework, classwk, labs etc. If you are caught cheating/copying someone else’s work, you will be given a final F for that quarter. No exceptions.

  • Field Trips: Two field trips are planned. The first one is to the Exploratorium in the fall. The second one is to the Monteray Bay Aquarium in May. All field trips are contingent on fundraising and passing grades/citizenship in ALL your classes. Any student can be eliminated up to the day of the trip for CAUSE by any teacher.

  • Extra Instruction: I am usually available everyday during lunch and after school from 3:30 to 4:00 PM. Please make prior arrangements to see me during those times. Contacting Mr. Gortney: cell: 415-215-5777 Please don’t call after 8 PM.

  • Email: gortneyk@sfusd.edu



_________________________________                                         ______________________________

Student Signature                                                                                 Parent/Guardian Signature

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