Online Wiki Etiquette For Students
1. Be safe: Do not post any personal informaiton about yourself or other students when writing comments. In other words, no phone numbers, home addresses, ages, birthdays etc. This is not a chat room, Myspace or Facebook.. so save those types of personal comments for those websites.
2. Be truthful and kind: Be overly friendly and positive; you must refrain from any profane, sarcastic, or unkind responses. Remember sarcasm hurts. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
3. Be respectful: Since our writing work is schoolwork, school rules and expectations apply when making any references on or to this site.
4. Be productive: Make your comments brief, to the point and logical. Be sure you communicate clearly and intelligently on a relevant topic. Remember to proofread your comments/responses for errors or inappropiate comments. Once you hit ENTER you will not be able to erase your comments.
5. Ask first, then give credit: Ask an author's/artist's permission to post their photos, pictures or pieces of writing. Never use first and last names of people that could identify them in a photo or video. You must also ask permission when using an idea from a friend, a family member, or even from an acquaintance. After you have his/her permission, then you must ask if you can post his/her name to give him/her credit. If you know anyone who is breaking any part of this rule, it is very important to tell someone who can help immediately.
6. Criteria for publishing: If the above criteria are met, your posts may be published; if the above criteria are not met, your posts may not be published.
Disclaimer: The views of students on this site are not necessarily those of Mr. Gortney or Presidio Middle School.
When working with and collaborating on our wiki pages, make sure that you are respectful of others pages and do not delete or edit any pages other than your own or a collaborative page. We need to able to trust each other when working on such a group effort.
Since all of you are writers on the wiki, you have the ability to leave comments on other users pages. Comments should be meaningful and thoughtful to the page owner. Be respectful of people's work and leave appropriate comments on a person's page of work or even suggestions and sometimes a question.
Leaving comments such as "hi", "sup", "heeeeellllllooooo" or anything similar are not thoughtful comments and will be deleted.
The comment boxes are NOT chat rooms.
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