Deadline 3: Mon Dec 1. Second draft of your topic, typed, double speced, 3 pages. You must include your first rough draft with the second draft.
Deadline 2: Fri Oct 10. Rough draft of your science topic, typed, double spaced. 3 pages. Remember your primary source for information should be your science textbook. You need to find two additional sources of information for your movie script. This rough draft is what you plan on saying in your movie about your science topic. You should have an interesting way to introduce your topic..get the attention of your audience. Be funny! If you can't think of a funny or interesting way to introduce your might want to find a quote that is related to your topic.. We'll discuss this more in class.
Deadline 1: Sept 22 Team members and Topic turned into Mr. Gortney on 5x7 card.
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